Destroyermen Wiki
Into the Storm • Crusade • Maelstrom • Distant Thunders • Rising Tides • Firestorm • Iron Gray Sea • Storm Surge • Deadly Shores
Key Characters Pete AldenCourtney BradfordRuss ChapelleJim EllisFitzhugh GrayDavid KaufmanAlan LettsBen MalloryBrad McFarlaneMatthew ReddyOrrin ReddyIsak ReubenDennis SilvaRick TolsonSandra TuckerChack-Sab-AtTamatsu Shinya
Locations Tarakan‏ Island
Vessels DonagheyDowdenFeltsHumfra-DarKas-Ra-ArMahanNakja-MurRevengeS-19Santa CatalinaSalaama-NaSimmsTolsonToolboxWalker
Aircraft PBYPB-1 "Nancy"P-40sP-1 Mosquito Hawk
Key Characters AdarKeje-Fris-ArChack-Sab-AtRisa-Sab-At
Locations AryaalB'mbaadoBaalkpanChil-chaapMaa-ni-laSing-aaporeSular
Vessels AraccaFristarHumfra-DarNerraccaPlacca-MarSalissaSalaama-Na
Key Characters Celestial MotherEsshkHalikN'galshTsalka
Locations CeylonMadagascar
Vessels Giorsh
Key Characters Hisashi KurokawaToru MiyataOrochi NiwaSato Okado
Vessels Amagi
Aircraft Dirigibles
Crusade cover
Author Taylor Anderson
Book Number 2
Published 2008
ISBN 978-0-451-46207-7
Previous Into the Storm
Next Maelstrom

Crusade is the second book of the Destroyermen series.



Tsalka, Sire of all India, and General Esshk discuss the recent re-discovery of the Lemurians. They listen to excuses of the Hij who commanded the recent foray into the Jaava Sea about the attack on a Home and the intervention of a strange ship. The ship commander relates having eaten a captive with no tail and offers a similar being to Tsalka. The Sire is not mollified and orders the ship commander to suicide. Guards arrive with the other captive, who identifies himself as kaphmaan.


After overcoming some reluctance on the part of Nakja-Mur and other Baalkpans, Matthew Reddy begins a mission to Aryaal. Upon arrival, Reddy finds B'mbaado besieged by Grik. He attacks the besieging fleet using the captured Grik ship, which has been commissioned as USS Revenge, as bait.

Main article: Battle of B'mbaado Bay
Main article: Battle of Aryaal





Key Characters[]

Name Rank/Rating Service Position Assignment Race
Pete Alden Captain Marines Commander Marines Human
Adar High Sky Priest Salissa Lemurian
Courtney Bradford Civilian Construction Engineer Walker Human
Jim Ellis Lieutenant Navy CO Mahan Human
Esshk General Grik
Keje-Fris-Ar High Chief Salissa Lemurian
Fitzhugh Gray Chief Bosun's Mate Navy Bosun Walker Human
David Kaufman Captain USAAC Mutineer Mahan Human
Hisashi Kurokawa Captain IJN CO Amagi Human
Alan Letts Lieutenant (jg) Navy Supply Officer Walker Human
Ben Mallory Lieutenant Air Corps Pilot Walker Human
Brad McFarlane Lieutenant Navy Engineering Officer Walker Human
Sato Okado Commander IJN XO Amagi Human
Matthew Reddy Captain Navy CO Walker Human
Chack-Sab-At Bosun's Mate
Bosun's Mate
Walker Lemurian
Tamatsu Shinya Lieutenant Marines XO Marines Human
Tsalka Regent-Consort Sire of all India Grik
Rick Tolson Lieutenant Navy CO Revenge Human
Sandra Tucker Lieutenant Navy Medical Lead Walker Human

Other Characters[]

Main article: Crusade/Characters


This book along with Into the Storm is in the combination book Unknown Seas.
