Destroyermen Wiki
Into the Storm • Crusade • Maelstrom • Distant Thunders • Rising Tides • Firestorm • Iron Gray Sea • Storm Surge • Deadly Shores
Key Characters Pete AldenCourtney BradfordRuss ChapelleJim EllisFitzhugh GrayDavid KaufmanAlan LettsBen MalloryBrad McFarlaneMatthew ReddyOrrin ReddyIsak ReubenDennis SilvaRick TolsonSandra TuckerChack-Sab-AtTamatsu Shinya
Locations Tarakan‏ Island
Vessels DonagheyDowdenFeltsHumfra-DarKas-Ra-ArMahanNakja-MurRevengeS-19Santa CatalinaSalaama-NaSimmsTolsonToolboxWalker
Aircraft PBYPB-1 "Nancy"P-40sP-1 Mosquito Hawk
Key Characters AdarKeje-Fris-ArChack-Sab-AtRisa-Sab-At
Locations AryaalB'mbaadoBaalkpanChil-chaapMaa-ni-laSing-aaporeSular
Vessels AraccaFristarHumfra-DarNerraccaPlacca-MarSalissaSalaama-Na
New Britains
Key Characters Walter BillingslyHarvey JenksJames Silas McClainGerald McDonaldRuth McDonaldRebecca Anne McDonaldSean O'CaseyRajendraLinus Truelove
Locations New Britain IslandNew Ireland IslandNew Scotland IslandNew Wales IslandRespite‏ IslandSaint Francis
Vessels AchillesAjaxAgamemnonCaesarEuripidesIcarusTacitusUlysses
Key Characters Celestial MotherEsshkHalikN'galshTsalka
Locations CeylonMadagascar
Vessels Giorsh
Holy Dominion
Key Characters Hernan DeDivino Dicha
Firestorm cover
Author Taylor Anderson
Book Number 6
Published 2011
ISBN 978-0451464170
Previous Rising Tides
Next Iron Gray Sea

Firestorm is the sixth book in the Destroyermen series.


Western Ocean[]

Fil-pin Islands[]

Eastern Sea[]


New Ireland Island[]

Saint Francis[]

South Africa[]


Key Characters[]

Name Rank/Rating Service Position Assignment Race
Pete Alden General Marines Commander Marines Human
Courtney Bradford Civilian Diplomat Alliance Human
Russ Chapelle Lieutenant Commander Navy CO Santa Catalina Human
Hernan Dicha Blood Cardinal Human
Jim Ellis Captain Navy CO Dowden Human
Keje-Fris-Ar High Chief Salissa Lemurian
Fitzhugh Gray Chief Bosun's Mate Navy Bosun Walker Human
Harvey Jenks Commodore IBN Walker Human
Irwin Laumer Lieutenant Navy CO S-19 Human
Gerald McDonald Governor-Emperor New Britain Human
Rebecca McDonald New Britain Human
Brad McFarlane Lieutenant Commander Navy Engineering Officer Walker Human
Ben Mallory Captain AC Chief, Air Corps Alliance Human
Isak Reuben Navy Santa Catalina Human
Matthew Reddy Captain Navy CO Walker Human
Orrin Reddy Lieutenant AC Pilot Maaka-Kakja Human
Chack-Sab-At Bosun's Mate Navy Bosun's Mate Walker Lemurian
Tamatsu Shinya Colonel Marines CO 2nd Marines Human
Jis-Tikkar Captain AC Commander 1st Air Wing Lemurian
Sandra Tucker Lieutenant Navy Medical Lead Alliance Human
Gilbert Yager Navy Santa Catalina Human

Lieutenant Commander Matthew Reddy and the crew of the USS Walker find themselves caught between the nation they swore to defend and the allies they promised to protect. For even as the Allies and the Empire of New Britain Isles stand united against the attacks of both the savage Grik and the tenacious Japanese, the “Holy Dominion”-a warped mixture of human cultures whose lust for power overshadows even the Grik-is threatening to destroy them both with a devastating weapon neither can withstand.

Other Characters[]

Main article: Firestorm/Characters



This book and Rising Tides are in the Combination book Rising Storm.
