Destroyermen Wiki
Key Characters Pete AldenCourtney BradfordRuss ChapelleJim EllisFitzhugh GrayDavid KaufmanAlan LettsBen MalloryBrad McFarlaneMatthew ReddyOrrin ReddyIsak ReubenDennis SilvaRick TolsonSandra TuckerChack-Sab-AtTamatsu Shinya
Locations Tarakan‏ Island
Vessels DonagheyDowdenFeltsHumfra-DarKas-Ra-ArMahanNakja-MurRevengeS-19Santa CatalinaSalaama-NaSimmsTolsonToolboxWalker
Aircraft PBYPB-1 "Nancy"P-40sP-1 Mosquito Hawk
Key Characters AdarKeje-Fris-ArChack-Sab-AtRisa-Sab-At
Locations AryaalB'mbaadoBaalkpanChil-chaapMaa-ni-laSing-aaporeSular
Vessels AraccaFristarHumfra-DarNerraccaPlacca-MarSalissaSalaama-Na
New Britains
Key Characters Walter BillingslyHarvey JenksJames Silas McClainGerald McDonaldRuth McDonaldRebecca Anne McDonaldSean O'CaseyRajendraLinus Truelove
Locations New Britain IslandNew Ireland IslandNew Scotland IslandNew Wales IslandRespite‏ IslandSaint Francis
Vessels AchillesAjaxAgamemnonCaesarEuripidesIcarusTacitusUlysses
Key Characters Celestial MotherEsshkHalikN'galshTsalka
Locations CeylonMadagascar
Vessels Giorsh
Key Characters Hisashi KurokawaToru MiyataOrochi NiwaSato Okado
Vessels Amagi
Aircraft Dirigibles
Holy Dominion
Key Characters Hernan DeDivino Dicha
Iron Gray Sea
Iron Gray Sea cover
Author Taylor Anderson
Book Number 7
Published 2012
ISBN 978-0451464545
Previous Firestorm
Next Storm Surge

Iron Gray Sea is the seventh book in the Destroyermen series. It is currently only released in hardcover and (like the rest of the series)is available for the Kindle and Nook.


In Taylor Anderson’s acclaimed Destroyermen series, a parallel universe adds an extraordinary layer to the drama of World War II.

Now, Lieutenant Commander Matthew Reddy, the crew of USS Walker, and their allies battle an ever-growing host of enemies across the globe in a desperate battle for freedom…

War has engulfed the—other earth. With every hard-won victory and painful defeat, Matt Reddy and the Allies encounter more friends—and even more diabolical enemies. Even, at last, in the arms of the woman he loves, there is little peace for Reddy.  The vast sea, and the scope of the conflict, have trapped him too far away to help on either front, but that doesn’t mean he and Walker can rest.

Cutting short his “honeymoon,” Reddy sails off in pursuit of  Hidoiame , a rogue Japanese destroyer that is wreaking havoc in Allied seas. Now that Walker is armed with the latest “new” technology, he hopes his battle-tested four-stacker has an even chance in a straight-up fight against the bigger ship—and he means to take her on.

Elsewhere, the long-awaited invasion of Grik “Indiaa” has begun, and the Human-Lemurian Alliance is pushing back against the twisted might of the Dominion. The diplomatic waters seethe with treachery and a final, terrible plot explodes in the Empire of New Britain Isles.  Worse, the savage Grik have also mastered “new” technologies and strategies. Their fleet of monstrous ironclads—and an army two years in the making—are finally massing to strike…


Key Characters[]

Name Rank/Rating Service Position Assignment Race
Pete Alden General Marines Commander Marines Human
Courtney Bradford Civilian Diplomat Alliance Human
Keje-Fris-Ar High Chief Salissa Lemurian
Fitzhugh Gray Chief Bosun's Mate Navy Bosun Walker Human
Harvey Jenks Commodore IBN Walker Human
Irwin Laumer Lieutenant Navy CO S-19 Human
Rebecca McDonald Governor-Emperor New Britain Human
Brad McFarlane Lieutenant Commander Navy Engineering Officer Walker Human
Ben Mallory Colonel AC Chief, Air Corps Alliance Human
Isak Reuben Navy Santa Catalina Human
Matthew Reddy Captain Navy CO Walker Human
Orrin Reddy Lieutenant AC Pilot Maaka-Kakja Human
Chack-Sab-At Bosun's Mate Navy Bosun's Mate Walker Lemurian
Tamatsu Shinya Colonel Marines CO 2nd Marines Human
Jis-Tikkar Captain AC Commander 1st Air Wing Lemurian
Sandra Tucker Lieutenant Navy Medical Lead Alliance Human
Gilbert Yager Navy Santa Catalina Human

Other Characters[]

Main article: Iron Gray Sea/Characters

This book and Storm Surge are in the Combination Book Iron and Fire.
