(Warning: The following page may contain spoilers through Straits of Hell)
This is an alphabetical list of the named human characters who came through the storms both male and female by ship or other origin with short synopsis. If the character's name is in red he/she does not yet have a page. If the character's name is in yellow he/she has a page, you can visit by clicking on the yellow name. Note those marked thus (*) were dead prior to the storm but buried at sea after the storm on new world.
Note this is a work in progress feel free to add and correct entries. Only humans who came through the storms are to be on these lists. Unknown information is shown with (?), original rank (Rank?) or original rating & rank (Rating? Rank?) Things posted from memory are shown in parentheses followed by a '?' for example (Oklahoma?)
Citations from books on proceeding information in brackets for example [ItS Pb p. 1] is Into the Storm paperback page 1 or [D.S. Hb p. 5] is Deadly Shores hardback page 5.
Alphabetical list of the Destroyermen[]
Original Walkers:[]
World of origin - Destroyermen origin world
- Brian Aubry Torpedoman (Rate?) [ItS Pb p. 157] was from (?). Dies in battle with the HNBC 'the company at end of Distant Thunders replaced by Tabby and Miami Tindal.
- Pruit Barry Ensign Assistant Gunnery Officer was from (?). Killed on beach during fight of the shipwrecked on Ceylon [Fs. Pb. p. 178].
- Carl Bashear Boatswain's Mate 1st class [ItS pb. p. 66] from (?). Later Chief Bosun’s Mate USS Mahan DD 102)
- Jeff Brooks Sonarman USS Walker [M PB. P. 212] (rank ?) is from (?) Later Sonarman USS Mahan DD-102
- Sonny Campeti Chief Gunner is from New Jersey [C. Pb. p. 169] Curently Gunnery officer USS Walker
- Glen Carter Torpedoman (Rate?) [ItS Pb p. 157], ordnance division [C. Pb. p 149] from Ohio died in Battle of Ayraal [C. Pb. p. 169]
- Russell Clancy is from Boston (Mick IE. Irish) [D. T. Pb. p203] Radioman 1st Class (dies on Tolson ?)
- Leo Davis (Rating? Rank?)
- Harvey Donaghey Engineering Chief from (?). He dies saving Walker in Crusade. USS Donaghy DD-2 is name for him.
- Stanley Dobson "Dobbin' Shipfitter (class?) is from (?) [Ms Pb. p. 205]. Later Chief Boatswain's Mate USS Santa Catalena CAP-1.
- Larry Dowden Lieutenant j.g. [C Pb. p. 27] assistant damage control officer was from Tennessee. The willowy blond go-getter became Walker's XO when Ellis took command of Mahan. Died in Battle of Baalkpan Bay
- David Elden Shipfitter (Rate?) is from (?).
- Jim Ellis Lieutenant Executive Officer (XO) [ItS Pb p. 9] was from Virgina [C Pb p. 169]. He was then Captain Mahan and later Comadore. He died in the Second Battle of Madras in Storm Surge.
- Tom Felts (Rating? Rank?) ordnance division [C. Pb. p 149] from Arkansas died in Battle of Ayraal [C. Pb. p. 169]
- Bob Flowers Lieutenant (jg?) Navigtion Officer [ItS Pb p. 17] was from (?). He was killed before the storm*.
- Fitzhugh Gray, "Super Boson, SB or, Boats" Chief Boatwain’s Mate is from Alabama [Crusade Pb page 169] died in Battle of Grik City
- Greg Garrett Lieutenant j.g. Gunnery Officer [ItS Pb p. 8] is from Tennessee. Later he is Captian (rank Comdr.) of USS Donaghy (DD-2.)
- Hale, (?) Torpedoman (?Rate) [ItS Pb p. 156]
- Janssen, (?) Electrician's Mate [ItS Pb. p 35] killed prior to storm*.
- Norman Kutas Quartermasters Mate 2nd Class was from (?). Helmsman killed by HIMS Hidoiame in Iron Gary Sea
- Dean Laney Machinist's Mate 2nd is from North Carolina. He is later Enginering Officer on USS Santa Catalina (CAP-1)
- Earl Lanier cook (Rank?) is from Near Pinedale, Wyoming. He is Walker’s Cook and, loves fishing.
- Alan Letts Lieutenant JG supply officer from Idaho [See talk], later Commander, Chief of Staff, Minister of Industry and The Division of Strategic Logistics, Acting Chairman of the Grand Alliance, married Karen Theimer one daughter Allison Verdia Letts Religion Mormon (LDS) [Deadly Shores Hb page XV]
- Juan Marcos Officer's stewrad (Rank?) is from the Philippines. Later Captain's Steward.
- Mack Marvaney (?) Ordanance Section was from (?). Killed on Bali by Primitive Grik like beings in the first week since the storm.
- Brad McFarlane ‘Spanky’ is from Maryland. Walker’s Engineering Officer Later Minister of Naval production, later XO USS Walker Religion Catholic.
- Ray Mertz Mess Attendant is from (?). Dies in Iron Gray Seas in battle with Hidoiame the DD Mertz is named for him.
- Jamie Miller was from (?) was Pharmacists Mate 3rd Class [ItS Pb p.15] later Surgeon on Tolson Died on Ceylon after shipwreck killed by Grik [Fs Pb. p. 175].
- Sandy Newman Gunner's Mate (rank?) is from Oregon. Later he is XO USNRS Saalisa CV-1
- Gil Olivera Oridnence Striker [ItS Pb. p. 168] from New York died in Battle of Ayraal [C. Pb. p. 169]
- Ed Palmer signalman (rank?) is from (Oklahoma ?) Later transfered to Mahan then radio opperator on the PBY then back to Walker as Radio Operator
- Andy Powell Ordinance striker killed in battle of Aryaal bay [C Pb. p 70]
- Mike Raymond Electricin's Mate 3rd Class is from (?).
- Matthew Reddy middle name Patrick Commander (Captain USS Walker) is from Texas [C. Pb p. 169] . He gives his father as "former Chief Qurtermaster's Mate Donald Vernon Reddy who won his nations highest medal for bravery" (CMH) [I.G.S. Pb. 98].
- Alfonso Revis Gunner Mate (Rank?) is from New Mexico.
- Fred Reynolds seaman apprentice from California ship’s talker latter Walker’s pilot became Dom prisoner and escaped resumed flying Deadly Shores. Young 17 in 1942.
- Steve Riggs is from Delaware. Was Petty Officer First Class later Minister of Communication and Electrical Contrivances Baalkpan.
- Rolando Rodriguez ‘Ronson’ electrician's mate 3rd [ItS Pb p. 17] from Texas. Later Chief Electrician on USS Mahan DD 102.
- Richard Rogers Lieutenant First Officer [ItS Pb p. 17] from (?) Dies in Crow’s nest before entering storm
- Isak Reuben is from (Oklahoma?) begins as a Fireman later Chief Engineer USS Walker (DD-163,) half brother of Gilbert Yager. The brothers brought in the first oil well.
- Bernard Sandison ‘Bernie’ Ensign Torpedo Officer [C Pb p. 26] is from Idaho. Head of Experimental Ordinance but later back as Torpedo Officer on Walker. .
- Tony Scott is from Florida. Coxswain thought eaten by Super Lizard but, later found as the King of the Khonashi
- Loris Scurrey (Rate? Rank?) deck division [C. Pb. p 149] is from California died in Battle of Ayraal [C Pb p 169]
- Dennis Silva Gunners Mate 2nd Class [ItS pb. p. 66] is from Alabama [C. Pb. p. 169] Later Chief gunner. He and Pam Cross are lovers. At Matt and Sandra's wedding he identifies his parents as Stanley and Willa Silva [I.G.S. Pb. p. 99]
- Andy Simms (Rate? Rank?) deck division [C. Pb. p 149] is from Ohio died in Battle of Ayral [ C. Pb p. 169]
- Wendel Smith "Smitty" Lt. (jg) Gunnery Officer USS Donaghey. Ordinance Striker # 1 gun (Phone Conversation with Taylor Anderson) seen on Walker [ItS Pb. p 41] just after coming through the storm.
- Francis Steele 'Frankie' was a Boatswain's Mate 1st (2nd deck division) is from Brooklyn [Crusade Pb page 169]. Latter XO USS Walker died in battle off Scapa Flow
- Doc Stevens Warrant Officer Surgeon’s Mate [ItS Pb p.15-16] was killed before the storm he was from Massachusetts*.
- Paul Stites With Silva and Felts at the port .50 sighting dinosaurs [ItS pb. p. 66]
- Rick Tolson Ensign was from (? but probably from the Cesapeake Bay area [C Pb p. 216]) Commanded Revenge and died destroying her to prevent Grik capture in Crusade.
- Gilbert Yager is from (Oklahoma?) begins[ItS pb. p. 66] as Fireman later Engineer of USS Maaka-Kkakja (CV-4) half brother of Isak Ruben,
- Alfred Vernon (Rating? Rank?) is from (?). COFO of Humfra-Dar (CV-2) under Geran-Eras [Fs Pb. p. 36]. He dies when Humfra-Dar is destroyed January 17,1944[Fs Pb p 413].
Passengers on Walker:[]
- Pete Alden is from the Marine Corps. a Marine Sergeant from USS Huston [ItS Pb p. 20]. Later General in Command of Land Forces West in India.
- Courtney Bradford is from Australia former Construction Engineer for Royal Dutch Shell [ItS Pb p. 9], Naturalist latter Minister of Science and Plenipotentiary at Large for the Grand Alliance
- Pam Cross is from Brooklyn Nurse Ensign on Walker then Mahan, then at Baalkpan and back to Walker as Surgeon She and Dennis Silva are lovers.
- David Kaufman Captain Army Air Corps [ItS Pb p. 11] was from New Hampshire. Led mutiny taking over USS Mahan Shooting Jim Ellis in the leg and, later led a party captured by the Grik. He sent a message warning of coming attack on Baalkpan. He was murdered by Kurokawa on Amagi during the Battle of Baalkpan Bay. Kaufman Field in Baalkpan is named for him.
- Beth Grizzel Nurse Lieutenant from (?). Joined Kaufman’s mutiny and was presumed killed and eaten by Grik.
- Kathy McCoy is from Pennsylvania. She was a Nurse Ensign Later Surgeon Commander USS Santa Catalina (CAP-1)
- Ben Mallory 'Ben' is from California Army Air Corps Lieutenant [ItS Pb p.13] later Coronal of Alliance Air Forces.
- Leslie Ranell Nurse Ensign is from (?). She was killed with ‘Doc’ Stevens before the storm*.
- Tomatsu Shinya is from Japan At first he is a POW IJN Lieutenant later in Deadly Shores the General in command of allied land forces East against the Doms.
- Karen Theimer is from Rhode Island. She is at first a Nurse Ensign later Surgeon Commander and Assistant Minister of Medicine. She is married to Allen Letts they have a daughter Allison Verdia Letts.
- Sandra Tucker is from Virginia [Crusade Pb page 169] she was appointed Walker’s medical officer just after the storm later Minister of Medicine for the Grand Alliance. When she marries Captain Reddy she gives her father's name "Malcom C. Tucker, ah, Norfork industrialist" [I.G.S. Pb. 98].
Original Mahans:[]
World of origin - Destroyermen origin world
- Captain Atkinson Captain of USS Mahan killed before the storm Fort Atkinson near Baalkpan is named for him*.
- Gandy Bowles Oridinance Striker was on USS Mahan. Later promoted to Chief Gunner on Revenge. He dies with Rick Tolson in Crusade.
- Sam Clark Carpenters Mate was from USS Mahan [Ms Pb. p. 79]. Lt. jg commanding the DE USS Felts dies on Tarakan Island after losing Felts DE [Fs Pb. p. 203-210 & 255] The DD USS Clark was named for him.
- Perry Brister Lieutenant JG Engineering Officer is from (?). Captain of refloated USS Mahan (DD-102)
- Russ Chapelle (Russell?) 'Russ' Torpedoman 1st [Ms Pb. p. 321] is from (?) Later Commands USS Santa Catalina (CAP-1)
- Wallace Fairchild chief sonarman from (?). On Wlker from Distant Thunders on [DT Pb. p 355].
- Al Franklin "Al Jolson" Quartermaster's Mate 2nd was a "Kard Karring Klansman from Michigan." Known for his Al Jolson imitations. Executed by Chiefs for rape of Blas-Ma-Ar [C Pb p 197-208]
- Michael Monk "Mikey" Signalman (class?) [Ms pb. p. 205] is from (?). Later XO USS Santa Catalena CAP-1
- Tony Monroe Ensign Assistant Navigation Officer assisted in the mutiny probably eaten by Grik with Kaufman's party.
- Johnny Parks was an apprentice fireman on Mahan [IGS Pb. p. 253]. Later he is Machinist's Mate USS Walker DD-163
- Miami Tindal "Miami" was a Machinist's Mate from (Florida?) on USS Mahan. Works on aircraft engines in Malestrum Dies in battle before Scapa Flow in Rising Tides.
Original S-19s:[]
World of origin - Destroyermen origin world
- Billy Flynn ‘Billy’ Chief of the Boat later Colonel of Flynn’s Raiders dies in Massacre of Flynn’s hill.
- Sidney Franks 'Sid' Carpenter's Mate (Rank?) is from (?). Killed in pyroclastic flow Talaud volcano.
- Irwin Laumer Ensign later Lieutenant Commander PT-7. He dies in Celestial Palace Deadly Shores.
- Mark Leedom Torpedoman (Rank?) is from (?) [IGS Hb. p. 40]. Later becomes flier assistant COFO Saalisa, Commander aircraft at lake latter named for Flynn. He was shot down escapes the massacre of Flynn's Rangers, With Ticker continued in command of Aircraft at Lake Flynn
- Danny Porter Shipfitter (Rank?) is from (?) Later Chief of the Boat eaten by flashies during sinking of S-19 Storm Surge.
- Patrick Rosen 'Paddy' (Rank?) he was S-19's red haired quartermaster [RT pb. p. 247]. Listed in Deadly Shores as Walker's "Chief Quartermaster Patrick "Paddy" Rosen acting First Officer" [DS Hb. p x].
- Tex Sheider 'Tex' ‘Sparks’ Electrician’s Mate is from Texas later XO USS Maaka-Kakja (CV-4 .)
- Sandy Whitcomb Motor Machinist Mate (Rank?) is from (?). Dies in sinking S-19.
- 'Tex' another Texan who died in battery compartment before the storm. [D. T. Pb. p 200]*
S-19 Passengers Children and Caretakers:[]
- Sister Audry is a Benedictine Nun from the Netherlands. She was later the Ambassador to New Britain Isles
- Abel Cook is a teenager from Australia. He is later a midshipman then Ensign.
- Nathaniel Hardee is a teenager from Britain. He was later midshipman S-19 then Ensign on PT-7
POWs from Mizuki Maru:[]
World of origin - Destroyermen origin world (presumed)
- Conrad Diebel Lieutenant Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force, is from Netherlands [I.G.S. Pb. p. 37]. Later Lieutenant of the 3rd pursuit squadron.
- Cecil Dixion Army Air Corps Mechanic. He was later Mechanic of 3rd pursuit Squadron.
- Walter Fisher 'Walt' or "Jumbo" Lieutenant Army Air Corps is from (?). Later commands Army and Navy Training School at Baalkpan, Kaufman Field
- Lieutenant Galay, (?) was a Corporal in the Philippine Scouts from (the Philippines?). Later a Lieutenant with Chak-Sab-At [D.S. p 357].
- Simon Gutfield 4th Marines (Rank?) (Phone conversation Taylor Anderson) He is later XO first Corps 2nd Division.
- Simon Herring Commander ONI [I.G.S. Pb. p. 38-39] . Latter he becomes Minister of Strategic Intelligence to Adar, then aboard USS Walker.
- Arnold Horn 'Arney' Gunnery Sergent 2nd Battlion of 4th Marines [I.G.S. Pb. p.37]. Later he is assigned Corps of Discovery, then travels with USS Walker. Arnold Horn
- Jack Mackey Second Lieutenant Thirty Fourth Squadron of the Twenty Fourth Pursuit Group was from Big Springs, Texas [F Pb p. 87]. Became pilot killed in Baalkpan during the Zeppelin raid. Mackey Field on Ceylon was named for him.
- Ian Miles Lance Corporal 2nd of 4th Marines [I.G.S. Pb. p.37]. Assigned to Bernie Sandison. Working covertly with Comdr. Simon Herring
- Charlie Murphy Former Machinist USS Canopus, prisoner Mizuki Maru, but now best Civilian Machinist in Baalkpan. [DD Hb. p. 34]
- Orrin Reddy Second Lieutenant Third Pursuit Squadron is from San Deigo, California (lived in Texas until age 10). He becomes COFO USS Maaka-Kakja (CV-4 .) He is Matt Reddy’s cozen.
- Winny Rominger, Winston "Winny" Carpenter's Mate 3rd class MTB Squadron 5. He later built factory making PT boats in Maa-ni-la, then became Commander of the First PT squadron. He died in sinking of USS Respite Island in Deadly Shores.
- Henry Stokes Leading Seaman HMS Perth is from Australia [I.G.S. Pb. p.37]. Later Herring's Deputy Minister of Strategic Intelligence.
Non Destroyermen Transfers:[]
Transfers prior to WW I:[]
World of origin: unknown
- Salig-Maa-Stir is the Lemurian name of the original James Silas McClain who taught Siska-Ta Latin, celestial navigation, and elements of Christianity that she incorporated into the Sky Priest religion of the Lemurians of the Sea. The Sailing Master of H.E.I.C ship Hermione that with two other ships transferred to the Destroyermen's world in the early 1700s. A friend to the Lemurians he went on to help found the Empire of New Britain Isles. [ItS pb. p. 247-249]
All currently presented japanese came from Destroyermen origin world (confirmed for "Amagi", presumed for "Hidoiame")
IJN Amagi:[]
- Akera was the captain in commanded Arata Amagi during the First Battle of Madras. He was killed when the ship sank [IGS Pb. p 376]. He was an Ensign on Amagi.
- Lieutenant Fukui, (? first name) Lieutenant Communications
- Hisashi Kurokawa Captain later Grik General of the Seas.
- Lieutenant Hiro later XO Mizuki Maru.
- Lieutenant Iguri (? first name) (Rank & Devision?) later Grik Lieutenant of the Skies (Muriname's exec.)
- Toryu Miyata Lieutenant Navagtion Grik ambassdor to Republic of Real People to whom he defects.
- Hideki Muriname (Rank?) Amagi's seaplane pilot later Grik General of the Skies.
- Orochi Niwa Lieutenant Special Naval Landing Force later Grik general.
- Sato Okada Commander defects during Battle of Baalkpan Bay later Seii Taishogun ("great general who subdues eastern barbarians") of the Shogunate of Yokohama, Jaapan. Dies in Iron Gray Sea in prolog in fight with HIMS Hidoiame.
- Commander Riku, (? first name) from Amagi Later he is Commander Ordnance.
HIMS Hidoiame:[]
- Captain Kurita, (?) Captain only named Japanese Character from three ships HIMS Hidoiame, Mizuki Maru, and a tanker. The unnamed ship's cook from Mizuki Maru was the only significant other Japanese character from this storm.
SMS Amerika:[]
World of origin - Amerika world
- Becker Lange fireman later Kapitan Lieutenant of the SIMS Amerika (War Palice) "Republic of Real People"
- Doocy Meek (rank etc?) British POW later Lieutenant of Marines (Legionaries) the SIMS Amerika (War Palice) "Republic of Real People"
- Adler Von Melhausen Kapitan SIMS Amerika later Captain of the SIMS Amerika (War Palice) "Republic of Real People"
Czech Legion:[]
Only land transfer between worlds known so far. World of origin unknown.
- Dalibor Svec (Rank?) later Coronal of "Brotherhood of Volunteers"
League of Tripoli arrived 1939 1st in Straits of Hell:[]
World of origin - CES world
- Gilles Babin French, Aspirant assistant to Capitine de Fregate Victor Gravois Zanzibar representative [SoH Hb. p xix]
- Francisco de Luca, Teniente, assistant to Maggiore Antonio Rizzo radio operator, navigator, co-pilot JU-52 that transported the Zanzibar representatives [SoH Hb. p xix] Italian Areonautica Militaire member of the League of Tripoli. [SoH Hb. p 9]
- (?) Dupont Captain of Savoie under Contre-Admiral Laborde.
- (?) Faure French General First among equals in the triumvirate who rule the the League of Tripoli. [BITW Hb p. 2.]
- Walbert Fiedler German, Oberleutnant pilot of the JU-52 that transported the Zanzibar representatives [SoH Hb. p xix,9]
- Victor Gravois French, Capitine de Fregate leader of the Zanzibar representatives [SoH Hb. p xix]
- Fidel Morrillo Spanish Nationalist Army, Commandante Zanzibar representative [SoH Hb. p xix, 9]
- (?) Morrisette French, officer on Savoie [SoH Hb. p 131]
- Antonio Rizzo Italian Areonautica Militaire, Maggiore Zanzibar representative [SoH Hb. p xix, 9]
Miscellaneous Transferees from Various Transfers:[]
- Lef-ten-aant Lemurian name of a South African flier, real name unknown. He was the only survivor of a plane crash who befriended the Naa-kaani Clan of the Shee-ree People. He later died, probably of appendicitis, but not before improving the Clan's English. His last act was to shoot the plane's radio least his friends bring unwanted guests. [BITW Chap 17]
- Salig-Maa-Stir is the Lemurian name of the original James Silas McClain who taught Siska-Ta Latin, celestial navigation, and elements of Christianity that she incorporated into the Sky Priest religion of the Lemurians of the Sea. The Sailing Master of H.E.I.C ship Hermione that with two other ships transferred to the Destroyermen's world in the early 1700s. A friend to the Lemurians he went on to help found the Empire of New Britain Isles. [ItS pb. p. 247-249]