Destroyermen Wiki
Warning Spoilers from Storm Surge on.
Nuevo Granada
Seen Firestorm
Iron Gray Sea
Storm Surge
Deadly Shores
Straits of Hell
Mentioned By name Storm Surge on.
Type 1) Dominion Capital City

2) Dominion Provence

Location 1) The capital city lies perhaps fifteen hundred [1,500] miles northeast across the mountains and the sea of leaves from Guayak, [SS Hb. p. 290]

2) Dominion possessions in South America, mostly coastal.

Nuevo Granada is the name of a Holy Dominion Provence and the name of the Dominion Capital.

The City described, "the foremost city of the Dominion, where el Templo de Papas stands. ... the city lies perhaps fifteen hundred [1,500] miles northeast across the mountains and the sea of leaves. [quoting Suares in Guayak, Storm Surge chapter 25, Hb. p. 290]"

North west South America

Map on northwestern New Granada Provence from Storm Surge hardback page xxii.

The Provence is the Dominion possessions in South America, mostly coastal, see map.
