Destroyermen Wiki

Pokermind Pokermind 16 October 2017

Destroyermen Fan Fiction Contest

Fan Fiction Contest #2 Prize autographed hardback of the next book. Dead line for submission day prior to the release date of the next book, TBA. Length suit yourself some where between 10 and 25 pages would be nice, but can be as large a file as Facebook will accept. Please put the words DESTROYERMEN FAN-FICTION CONTEST ENTRY as the first line. Submit entries to:

The winner will be chosen by a poll Depending on the number of entries the Association Leadership will select their favorite four stories for the poll. To keep our favorite author out of legal hassles write one of the two types of stories:

1) Write something with established circumstances as a backdrop, but from another perspective. …

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Pokermind Pokermind 13 June 2017

New top of page, arrr. we got us a new tophamper!

I'll give you a place to see about it  mostly you go into classic editor after posting the name publish then you can push the edit as always into the normal editor.  Photos are a real pain in Classic if other files are high in usage.  Well live with it, and you can complain on the above link just create a user page like you did with your other Wikis at Comunity Central.

Poker Beurocrat Destroyermen Wiki.

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Pokermind Pokermind 12 June 2017

New Wiki award points.

Well now you can get brownie points for contributing see

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Pokermind Pokermind 10 July 2015

Building a Community

This Wiki needs more worker bees to add pages, fill existing pages, and edit errors. 

1) Register if you are already registered on another Wiki you can use your existing name on another site or create a new one your choice.  Please registrar and/or log on before posting on the Wiki, otherwise your routing info is hanging in the breeze.   Having difficulty with a site name?  What would your Lemurian, Grik, or other country name be?  Mine is a treecat nickname for a Chief on the Honorverse Wiki.  See

2) Many pages need content for those loving research paper writing (just kidding) you get to know the books quite well skimming for information in the books to fill the page. Most editing is straight…

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Pokermind Pokermind 9 July 2015

New Admin and Beaurocrat IE Grand Poobah!

Feeling less than quallified with Admin and Beurocratic powers, but I'm what you got as Gaarmyvet slows down and visits less often.   Pokermind (talk) 15:04, July 9, 2015 (UTC)

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