Destroyermen Wiki
Destroyermen Wiki

Fan Fiction Contest #2 Prize autographed hardback of the next book. Dead line for submission day prior to the release date of the next book, TBA. Length suit yourself some where between 10 and 25 pages would be nice, but can be as large a file as Facebook will accept. Please put the words DESTROYERMEN FAN-FICTION CONTEST ENTRY as the first line. Submit entries to:

The winner will be chosen by a poll Depending on the number of entries the Association Leadership will select their favorite four stories for the poll. To keep our favorite author out of legal hassles write one of the two types of stories:

1) Write something with established circumstances as a backdrop, but from another perspective. Just some grunt in the trenches around Baalkpan or a pilot in Tikker's 1st Air wing when they're trying to bash the Grik dreadnoughts when they first show up. Or a Dom crew member on Matarife. Or maybe some Maroon "cap'n" who doesn't think working with Chack and the Allies is a good idea. Or one of the Erokis running from the Super lizard MTB7 torpedoes in the Mangoro river. etc.

2) Write a back story using one of Taylor's dead characters . 110 possibilities to choose from, Like sword and swashbuckling Haaker Faask is available, like the navy many of Walker's original crew have died. see:

Taylor Anderson will not read any of the Fan Fictions not even the winner of this or other Fan Fiction Contests. DO NOT SEND ANY FAN-FICTION TO TAYLOR ANDERSON HE WON'T READ OR FORWARD THEM!!!.

Taylor Anderson is also doing a model and Fan Art contest with a signed book as prize more details later.